Education & Distribution
Narcan/Naloxone Education & Distribution
Step 1: Watch the Training Video
Step 2: Take the Training Certification Survey
Step 3: Choose pick-up or delivery by mail
Training Video
To request replacement kits, complete the Replacement Kit Request form below. To receive your kit, please fill out the information at the bottom to pick up a kit or to have one mailed directly to you. NOTE: We cannot mail Narcan outside of Calhoun County, Michigan.
Stop an Overdose
1– Check for an Overdose
Shout their name, shake their shoulders
2– Call 9-1-1
if unresponsive
3– Give Narcan
Push pump after tip is in nose. Push pump once after in nose.
4– Stay Until Help Arrives
If breathing well, put on side. If not breathing, perform rescue breathing. Stay and wait until help arrives.
What are some signs of an opioid overdose?
- unconsciousness
- very small pupils
- slow or shallow breathing
- vomiting
- an inability to speak
- faint heartbeat
- limp arms and legs
- pale skin
- purple lips and fingernails
What Is Narcan/Naloxone?
Narcan/Naloxone is a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It is an opioid antagonist—meaning that it binds to opioid receptors and can reverse and block the effects of other opioids, such as such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone. Administered when a patient is showing signs of opioid overdose, Naloxone is a temporary treatment and its effects do not last long. Therefore, it is critical to obtain medical intervention as soon as possible after administering/receiving Naloxone.
Narcan/Naloxone Distribution Locations
Alano Club
1125 W Territorial Rd
Battle Creek MI 49015
Battle Creek Transportation Center
119 S McCamly St
Battle Creek MI 49017
Calhoun County Correctional Center
185 E Michigan Ave
Battle Creek MI 49014
Calhoun County Building
315 W Green St
Marshall MI 49068
Fountain Clinic
111 N Jefferson St #1
Marshall MI 49068
Kellogg Community College
(Roll Health and Admin Building)
450 North Ave
Battle Creek MI 49017
SHARE Center
120 Grove St
Battle Creek MI 49037
Silver Star Apartments
44 N Clark Rd
Battle Creek MI 49037
Substance Abuse Council
34 W Jackson St, Ste 2A
Battle Creek MI 49017
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Substance Abuse Council
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34 West Jackson Street, Suite 2A
Battle Creek, MI 49017
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