Programs & Events
Activities & Events
Annual “Celebrate Recovery” Walk
A free, annual event to celebrate those in recovery and/or those who support the recovery community.
Educational Presentations
Physical Affects of Substance Abuse
Prescription/Heroin Drug Abuse
Underage Drinking Prevention
Substance Abuse in Calhoun County
Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Prevention Programs
School Based
Catch My Breath– Grades 5th – 12th
The CATCH My Breath Program (grades 5, 6, 7-8, and 9-12) consists of 4 unique lessons for each grade group, that are approximately 35 minutes each. Each session includes a lesson plan with learner outcomes, a detailed outline of directions, and all materials including corresponding PowerPoint presentations.
LifeSkills Training (LST) – Grades 4–8
Botvin LifeSkills Training is an evidence-based substance abuse and violence prevention program that is uniquely designed to be flexible and interactive.
Teen Intervene (A Youth Diversion Program)
Teen Intervene is a brief, early intervention program tailored to youth who display the early stages of problematic alcohol, vaping/nicotine and/or marijuana use. This program is designed to reduce and ultimately eliminate a teen’s substance use. The Substance Abuse Council offers this program in a 1-day, small group, classroom setting.
Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) – Grades 9–12
Project TND is an effective, interactive classroom-based substance abuse prevention program that is based on more than two decades of successful research at the University of Southern California. Project TND focuses on three factors that predict tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use, violence-related behaviors, and other problem behaviors among youth.
Prime For Life (PFL) – High School and Adults
Prime For Life® is an evidence-based motivational prevention, intervention and pretreatment program specifically designed for people who may be making high-risk choices. This includes but is not limited to impaired driving offenders, college students and young people charged with alcohol and/or drug offenses. It is designed to change drinking and drug use behaviors by changing beliefs, attitudes, risk perceptions, motivations and the knowledge of how to reduce their risk of alcohol and drug related problems throughout their lives.
Training for Intervention ProcedureS (TiPS) – Retailers
TIPS® is the global leader in education and training for the responsible service, sale and consumption of alcohol. Proven effective by third-party studies, TIPS is a skills-based training program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking and drunk driving.
Substance Abuse Council
Contact Us

34 West Jackson Street, Suite 2A
Battle Creek, MI 49017
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